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CTF Facing Babel
Unreal Tournament 3
First Person Shooter
Unreal Engine 3
Two Weeks
6-16 Player Capture the Flag
Asset Alterations
Concept & Design Sketch
Construction & Lighting

AI pathing and Item Placement
Level Optimizations

Detail Pass (Audio, FX, Gameplay)
"Facing Babel" is a remake of the classic Unreal Tournament map, CTF-Face, with a slight twist on the design.  "Facing Babel" takes place both indoors and outdoors, transitioning via jump pads and teleporters from area to area.  The tactical advantage is utilizing the towers as cover and high ground for the upper hand.  Also, utilizing sight lines is the key to victory, in the same grain as the classic map from which it is borrowed.

CTF-Facing Babel is found on a planet covered in a vast ocean, with only sparse mountainous areas rising across the planet's murky depths.  This environment was used 1000s of years prior by an ancient civilization as a worship center where they sacrificed to the "Great Mouth of the Planet".  This is nothing more than a large hole in the planet's surface that constantly devours the planet's surface water and replenishes it's surface contents with large fissures in the ocean's depths in a never ending cycle.  With two large temples facing each other and a large circular worship center for meditation and sacrifice, it only seems logical this would be chosen for the Tournaments grounds.

Before working on CTF Facing Babel, I played extensively on Facing Worlds, utilizing a stopwatch to find the time it took to travel from one flag to another and mimicking the same time within Facing Babel. While blocking out the level, careful attention was taken to try and utilize sight lines that also borrowed from Facing Worlds. Temples were also constructed to fill the role of the large towers at each base and a large area beneath the playable level was created for characters to fall to their demise, an homage to the original.
​This is the beginning stage, when I scour the internet, books, real world environment, movies, etc for inspirational photos I can either create or save in a folder for later use during the creative process.  This can also be sketches of how I want the world to look when creating it as well.
Block Out:
Map Flow:
Player Starts
Item Placement
Detail Final:
Detail Pass:
Path Nodes

Concept Art

Themed Books

Top Down Sketch

Important Areas

Critical Points

Rough Layout
of Entire relevant play space

Add Player Starts, Portals, Path Nodes, Items etc.
Static Mesh
Rough Lighting

Static Mesh Final
Material Final &
Final Lighting Pass
Particles, Decals, Fog Layers, Final Testing.

CTF-Facing Babel is found on a planet covered in a vast ocean, with only sparse mountainous areas rising across the planet's murky depths.  This environment was used 1000s of years prior by an ancient civilization as a worship center where they sacrificed to the "Great Mouth of the Planet".  This is nothing more than a large hole in the planet's surface that constantly devours the planet's surface water and replenishes it's surface contents with large fissures in the ocean's depths in a never ending cycle.  With two large temples facing each other and a large circular worship center for meditation and sacrifice, it only seems logical this would be chosen for the Tournaments grounds.

As with all of my level designs, I follow a simple workflow and procedures guide I created that has been studied and updated consistently since it's creation.  Utilizing all steps in the guideline allow me to streamline the process of creating all levels within my portfolio.  All images are taken from bookmarked locations to show progression.